After having utilized you’re course in two jurisdictions, I am thoroughly convinced that Celebration Bar Review is, “hands-down,” the best bar review course on the market. I’ve taken the more widely recognized courses for both the state and MBE portions of the bar exam and neither of them adequately prepared ME for what I would face on the actual bar exam like Celebration Bar Review did. Your syllabus is easy to follow and is manageable even for a person working full time. Lastly, the writing style created by you to attack the essay portion of the bar exam is what I believe helped me the most. It is a style that is simple, methodical, logical, and very lawyer-like. Particularly in NJ, where the essay format calls for you to “Write a Memorandum,” the stress involved with making sure I addressed all potential “issues” was eliminated tenfold as a result of being trained in your writing style. I thank God for giving you the vision to create Celebration Bar Review and wish you continued success!