Thank you for your call congratulating me on my bar results. My family has been surprised at how calm I’ve been about the news, especially in light of the winding road I’ve traveled since leaving law school. But the truth is that I expected to pass when I walked into the exam room, and I was confident that I had passed when I walked out three days later. That feeling of renewed confidence, even more than my passing score, is the most valuable thing I’ve taken out of your course. At some point in law school, for reasons I can’t really explain, I stopped believing that I would naturally succeed in my professional life and started believing that I would struggle and likely fail. Those days are past, and that’s due in large part to you. While we’ve only spoken a few times, I’ll always be thankful for all your hard work and your willingness to occasionally kick me back on track. You have truly been a blessing to me.
I’m obviously happy to recommend your course in any way I can,
By the way, my final score was a 772 and my scaled MBE score was 166.2. And to give you an idea of how far I’ve come over the last 8 months: I was actually a little disappointed 🙂