I just needed a minute to take it all in–I passed (scaled MBE score: 145.8). This is the second time I have successfully used your course. In 2004 I used it to help me prepare for the Georgia Attorney’s Exam, and of course most recently to pass the NJ exam. Without question this is the best bar review course on the planet. While I hope that I will never have to take this exam again, if I do, there is no question about it–Celebration all the way! I think this course stands out not simply because of the technical instruction, but because you know how to speak to the fear and anxiety that every bar taker experiences. Truly, once I stopped listening to all the negative talk in my head and really focused on trusting the methodology everything got better. Also, one of the best messages for me was the one that said that the results aren’t really in my hands, they are in God’s. This message connected with what was already in my spirit and really freed me up to do simply the best with my part of the equation. Jackson, words cannot express how grateful I am to you and all the Celebration crew.