Here’s a transcript of our interview with a February 2018 Successful Bar Exam student who used Celebration

Here’s a transcript of our interview with a February 2018 Successful Bar Exam student who used Celebration Bar Review to raise her score by 33 points and pass the Texas Bar Exam on her 3rd try!

Noelle:          [EXCERPT]   I mean, you’re amazing. Your course is amazing. I wish everybody had access to your course.  So the whole bar exam experience would be so much better if people did it this way…. [END] —-

Jackson:           Hey everybody. Welcome to hanging out with successful bar exam takers and I have probably one of my all timefavorite students that I get to talk to today. Hi Noelle, how are you?

Noelle:             Very well, Jackson.

Jackson:           Well this is a big, big moment one that  you’ve been waiting for. I’ve been waiting for it. You want to tell the world what you just did?

Noelle:             I passed the Texas bar exam and was just sworn in as an attorney. .

Jackson:           And this is no small accomplishment folks. We’ve got a lot to unpack today because Noelle has had quite a journey to get here and had to do an extraordinary amount of work and this is a great, great accomplishment. So let’s start by you just telling folks a little bit about your background and how you got to school and what kind of led you into the taking the Texas bar.

Noelle:             Yeah. So well after graduating from college I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do next. I was either going to do something, something in education. I knew I really cared about education, so I was either going to do education law or education psychology, wasn’t really sure and I thought I really care about social justice issues so maybe I should go the law route. And so I applied to law school and I got into law school and I went to American University and I had a wonderful experience there and I got a chance to work in the disability rights law clinic and got to work on special education issues there. And, after law school I got married right away and, we had been dating for a long time and that was wonderful. The timing was right in terms of that, but I’m not sure the timing is right in terms of taking the bar exam.

Noelle:             So I went ahead, I took the Connecticut Bar exam and I just felt very kind of like scrambled during that whole process and, I remember thinking when I was about to submit my application to take it, I don’t know if I should do this, I don’t really know. I’m probably not going to live in Connecticut, so it was just kind of, you know, everyone was taking the bar and so like I guess I’m supposed to do this right. And I didn’t pass that time and I worked with another, bar review company and it was a very, hard experience. I felt like I didn’t get very much guidance. I felt like nobody was really telling me where I should be. It seemed like my assignments were very cumbersome. I was trying to create my own outlines after reading their outlines and making flash cards and I was just doing a lot and it just seemed like there just wasn’t enough time to do it all.

Noelle:             And I remember asking for advice and no one was really able to give me much advice. Eventually, someone sent me their outline and I guess I was supposed to study that, but it didn’t really mean that much to me because I didn’t create it. And anyway, so that was that experience. , then I moved to Texas and I waited about a year and took the Texas bar exam with another bar review company that I thought would be better because they said you could study on your own schedule. , it was supposed to be tailored to you because you can study on your own schedule. That was helpful, but I still didn’t get very much personal guidance. , I spoke to someone on the phone a couple of times. He sounded like they were also a recent law school graduate and, they didn’t really have anything particular to tell me about what was going on with my studies and they just said, you know, keep going.

Noelle:             I know it doesn’t seem like you have a lot of time, but you do. And very general statements like that so I did my best. I did the best I could and I felt pretty good about the test that time but I ultimately didn’t pass that time so and before I found out I didn’t pass, I had been surfing the web on facebook and I came across a Celebration Bar Review seminar and thought it sounded really interesting, so I listened to it and Jackson was talking about various techniques and methods that he could use to help people pass the bar exam who hadn’t been successful with traditional methods or regular methods that most people use and it sounded really unique and interesting. He talked about knowing instead of memorizing and he talked about different resources that he had there were something called paraliminals.

Noelle:             There was something called PhotoReading. There are all these different resources that I had never heard about. So I decided I would keep that in my back pocket. I actually watched that before I view my results and so I just thought, you know, at least I know that if something happens and I don’t pass right away, I can get plugged into this resource. So I have it in my back pocket. So I ultimately needed it. And the very next day I think I had after I found out my negative results, that time I made an appointment with Jackson and we just kind of went from there.

Jackson:           Yeah. And I remember, I remember when we first talked and the sort of the two things happening. One was the enormous disappointment that you had failed, obviously, but also this really strong will determination that you could pass, that you knew in your heart of hearts were capable of doing this. Now you had some accommodations that you had to get and some challenges. , you went to a pretty good undergraduate school, a Princeton, wasn’t it? Yeah. So we know you’re a really smart person, but at the same time, some of those time limits were really difficult for you weren’t a,  on the bar. And so there was a whole series of things. Yeah.

Noelle:             Yeah. So I’m actually, the first time I took the bar exam, I didn’t even finish it at all.  I was rushing. I was like, okay, you know, I just got to fill in these blanks, these boxes. I just can’t get through all these questions. I struggled to read through the whole question. , especially some of the longer ones. I, I was wondering how people possibly get through this material in the time allotted. And, and actually at that time I did have extra time to, but I had never struggled with finishing tests like that in my life. Like it was very strange. So I, I didn’t really know what to do because I hadn’t had that issue before. I mean I’d always had extended time I was diagnosed with dyslexia from a young age and so I had accommodations and different resources and they had always worked, you know, so I was very kind of confused about why I needed, why wasn’t happening.

Jackson:           Yeah. And I, and I wanted to talk about that because it helped form the approach that we took when you came to me, one of the things that we did was to get you involved with photo radio and I want you to talk about that in just a moment. But the other thing that I want to just point out so you know, you took the Texas bar with us and  I know you’ve got a lot to say about that in terms of the first try and you came up short, but instead of giving up what you did was you put your head back down, we continued to build from a higher base that you developed and it just took us a little longer to get you there so that you were able to pass. Is that a fair statement that it was just, it was a longer road, but we were on the same path the whole time?

Noelle:             Yes, and I was able to adjust some things. I was able to enhance how I was applying the different resources, like PhotoReading and I was able to talk to other students like Andrew to masters. He spent some time talking to me about how he used voter rating and I thought, oh wow. He used it differently from how I used it and maybe I can try what he did. And, and I did and I incorporated it. So what I did was I photo read more regularly and more frequently, didn’t just go to read a topic when it was assigned in the syllabus and then leave it and never look at it again until right before the test it was, I was constantly bringing out the books and PhotoReading and voter reading and it was kind of like a refresher it was all getting into my mind, but without having to spend hours and hours.

Jackson:           Yeah. For those of us in our audience who aren’t familiar with PhotoReading, can you describe it for them quickly?

Noelle:             Yeah. So PhotoReading is you pick up the book and you really. There’s several steps of it, but the most important one is called photo flipping. And you just flip through the pages. You look at it, you make sure you can see all four corners of the page and you flipped through page after page and you might like to yourself really lax three lax or three to one as you’re going through it. And, it’s really trying to put your self in a state of relaxation so you can just absorb the information that you’re looking at. And it was very helpful.

Jackson:           Yeah. How many times would you say you’d PhotoRead an outline for a subject?

Noelle:             Oh, I mean several times. I don’t know. 40, 50, 60 times.

Jackson:           Yeah. And the reason for that is that you could take an outline that might’ve taken you eight to 10 hours or more to read traditionally. Correct. You were PhotoReading it and about what? 15 or 20 minutes.

Noelle:             Right, right. So the value of accumulated reading up. I could do a whole outline if it was a long outline in like three to five minutes, but some of them were shorter, so it would be much shorter than even that.

Jackson:           And so PhotoReading was a big part of what you did, but another big part of what you did, and we’re going to come back to your story. I’m just sort of wandering around here. A big part of what you did, particularly the second time around was mindmapping. Right? Can you talk a little bit about that?

Noelle:             Mind mapping was amazing. So, I really incorporated that into my studies the second time, the first time you introduced it to me, but I didn’t really get very familiar or comfortable with it and it felt like more of a drain and I was more caught up and figuring out the right way to do it and it was taking me a long time and so I ended up not using it really the first time. The second time I went to boot camp, I remember I had a one, one or two conferences with you before Bootcamp and you had said you wanted me to do mind mapping and I thought well I tried that before and I really didn’t like it and it just didn’t work for me. So I’m like, I was feeling overwhelmed to be honest. And then you told me that in Bootcamp I would be getting more direction in mind mapping.

Noelle:             And so I thought, okay, well maybe after the Bootcamp this will be something that I do, but I was still kind of, I don’t know, I didn’t really know if it would work so, but I did try it at camp. I gained a lot of competence in my mind mapping and Bootcamp and I ended up incorporating it fully into my studies for every single subject. So I would mind map after I had her write an outline, I would do a general broad mind map and then as I did practice questions, I wouldn’t mind map them whether I was correct or incorrect. And then as I started to get more and more correct, I would just mindmap the incorrect answers so that I would know the correct law,

Jackson:           And you told me that you would read your mind maps to your husband, right? You would read this.

Noelle:             Well, after I would make a mind map set for a subject, I would ask my husband to come over if he was willing or sometimes I would. Sometimes I would just record myself if he wasn’t available. And sometimes over Christmas, oh my gosh, that was another thing, this time I had to study over Christmas and I was at my grandparents house and my family was there, so I would grab a relative talk to them about or mind map.

Jackson:           This is a dedicated person folks? Yeah. And nice family. So you did the mind maps and you did the PhotoReading. You also incorporated paraliminals. Can you talk a little bit about those paraliminals?

Noelle:             Yes. So the paraliminals I used those to help to change my mindset because after you’ve had negative experiences with this exam, which is a grueling exam, and in Texas it’s actually like three days. So it’s kind of hard to get your confidence back and get your groove back and feel like, yeah, I can do this. So I started listening to these paraliminals, which you put on your ear, do, you can actually sleep while you’re listening to it. And it delivers messages to you about belief in yourself. I’m anti anxiety messages, things like that. So it starts to work on your subconscious so that you start to have different thoughts than what your mind might automatically revert to.

Jackson:           Yeah. So pretty powerful. Now, in addition to all of that, we taught you a different way to write essays. We used an approach called fact law application, which was very different than the issue spotting IRAC approach. Can you talk a little bit about what the difference was like for you in switching over?

Noelle:             It was so helpful. It made so much more sense than IRAC, which is what the other companies teach. , it was much more so for the bar exam, if you don’t use a method like they teach in celebration bar review, which is knowing instead of memorizing it can be very overwhelming to try to memorize all of the law. But with Facts /Law/ Application, you are really focusing more on facts and arguments and it allows the law to kind of surface to the top of your mind. And so then you’re able to just pull out the law from your subconscious basically. And it’s just there even though you didn’t sit there memorizing flashcards about the law.

Jackson:           And so, to be clear, you didn’t memorize anything when you took the bar this time, you didn’t set up flashcard, you were using your mind maps, you were PhotoReading your writing based on the arguments that are coming up. Okay. Absolutely. So that’s a completely different role.

Noelle:             Relied on flashcards for my whole entire life. Ever since I first learned about flashcards in elementary school, I’ve been using flashcards and they gave me great success up until now and suddenly it just wasn’t good enough.

Jackson:           Yeah, you hit a wall with that for sure. When you get to the bar exam, we’re going to get back to your story in a minute, but  because you employed all of these different tools, I want to make sure we covered all of them. You mentioned boot camp. This was a live two day training that we do periodically and you were able to attend that. Can you tell people a little bit about what that experience was like, and what it meant for you?

Noelle:             It was an amazing experience. Let me tell you. Okay. Bootcamp, we did a lot of substantive work. We did a lot of work on technique, okay. It was great, but also at Bootcamp was a chance to meet other people in person who are going through the same thing that I was going through and listened. Celebration Bar Review has a great community on Facebook and it’s wonderful to be supportive there, but to have the chance to meet the people at the Bootcamp who you’ve been conversing with on an, on the facebook group or in Group coaching, it is amazing and it was very encouraging and a wonderful opportunity. And yes, I gained a lot of substantive skills. That’s when mind mapping really came to life for me. , and I was able to confirm that my plan with the PhotoReading that I actually discussed with Andrew was a good one at that Bootcamp. So,  I was able to write essays there and you know, Jackson was telling me, you know, I see what you’re doing, you’re doing good work, you’re working hard, you’re on the right track, you can do this.

Jackson:           It was, for me, it’s a lot of fun because I get to actually meet students live and in person and you know, that that’s like the best. But then in your case it was, it was great for me to be able to see how you are actually working, be able to look over your shoulder and see what you were doing and see that it was coming together. Because I think for you a big part of the challenge was just coming to believe in yourself enough that you really could do it. You know, when you’ve had success all your life and then you hit the wall of the bar exam. It’s pretty, pretty demoralizing, isn’t it?

Noelle:             Yeah, it is. It is. It can be very demoralizing, especially something, you know, I’ve worked so hard, I’ve invested in so much in it and I have this dream of becoming a special education attorney and I needed to do this, you know, I, it was this hurdle that I had to overcome in order to achieve my goal. So

Jackson:          And I know that you felt like your was on hold while all this was happening, which was very challenging.

Noelle:             Yeah, for sure.

Jackson:           So you’re studying along. You take the Texas bar with us the first time in a fairly short period of time and you made some improvements but you didn’t get quite over the hump. So we recalibrated, as you said, you talked to one of our former students, Andrew. And one of the great things about our course I think is that we have all of these folks that have been formerly in the course and successful who stayed to help and mentor. I know you’re already doing that for other people, which is so awesome. And, and so you kind of got yourself refocused and you were in our premium course. So you and I were talking pretty frequently. I mean, we did probably between the two sessions we did probably something like 30 to 40 conferences, right? To talk about your work and you know, you just kept pounding away and pounding away and pounding away. And then one day you sent me an email and you said I had an, I had a semi-fight with my husband and he said, stop acting like a lawyer or something like that. Am I right?

Noelle:             Yes, he, he said,  you’re acting like a lawyer or something like that. You’re right. He did. And it was this weird thing because I was like, what? I was upset, but then I was also like, oh, he called me a lawyer.

Jackson:           You said, “I’m not mad now,” but we didn’t know the results yet. But for you it was an awakening moment that other people perceived you as being a lawyer, right?

Noelle:             Yes, yes, exactly.

Jackson:           Yeah. And that’s, that’s kind of a big deal. All right. So now with all of that background, all of these tools that Noelle used and put together, you now have back to the Texas bar exam for February 2018. Tell me a little bit about how that felt, what your mindset was, how you were going into the test.

Noelle:             Yeah. So February 2018, I definitely felt like I was on more solid ground because I knew for sure between the PhotoReading and the mind mapping the information was definitely in there. I previously felt like, well I don’t know if I studied x subject or why subject enough and, but I knew that it was there. I just had to execute it. So my challenge, I viewed my biggest challenge is getting enough rest because I had had a sleep issue previously that I didn’t talk about, but I wasn’t able to fall asleep before the exam, so I was just like really excited. It wasn’t so much nerve but it was excitement. So I am thinking like how am I going to calm myself down? And so I did several things to help myself with sleep over the course of months. Like I had been working on this as well, like developing a bad ride bedtime routine and, it was very helpful. So I was able to sleep. Yeah. And so I had that and then I felt like I was more prepared than ever in terms of substantive foundation. I knew the information was there and, I felt kind of sober, but I did have a little bit of nerves. I did, but it was a good feeling going into the exam. Jackson had me dressed up for the tests, which I didn’t want to do, but I thought, okay, I’ll sign and do it.

Noelle:             And I did get some questions about it when I was going to sit down, like, oh wow, you dress up for this. And I was like, yes. My mentor told me to dress up. So I did.

Jackson:          It’s okay, throw me under the bus, but, you know, I think it’s pretty cool, but that’s probably nothing compared to when you started PhotoReading on the exam, right?

Noelle:             Yeah. So I use PhotoReading during the exam now. I mean, I did ultimately slow down. There’s different steps that you take, but you start out with the photo flipping through the test and then you do read through each question regularly, but the thing is, you go through the questions more quickly using the PhotoReading and also picking answers intuitively using the intuitive method causes you to just read the question prompt and pick an answer. That’s it.  You don’t spend a lot of time deliberating and which one is, it is, I don’t know. And you sit there and you’re meanwhile time is going by. No, you just read it and then you pick and you move onto the next one and you don’t go back and change your answers.

Jackson:           So how long did it take you to do 100 questions on the MBE?

Noelle:             Well, I don’t remember the exact time, but I know for sure that, the first for the morning session I finished five minutes early. I’m the afternoon session. I slowed down a little bit. I think I was tired even though I was able since I finished 55 minutes earlier, I was able to take a 30 minute nap and have a relaxing lunch. , I only finished 15 minutes early the second time, but like, look, I started this process not being able to complete this test at all. So that was a very big improvement.

Jackson:           Yeah, I would say for somebody with dyslexia that you could finish a section in 15 minutes early, much less 55 minutes early is remarkable. And you pass the multistate, Huh? Yep. Yep. So there you go. All right. So,  what about the essay writing then? It’s a long day. It’s the third day of the Texas exam. You got 12 essays. It’s, oh my gosh, these crazy people. Thirty minutes at each,  you had, but for you as a little bit longer day because of the accommodation, so you really got an endurance test in, in some way. Right. Okay. So you come into that third day of the test and how, what’s your mindset at that point?

Noelle:             I just got to keep going, just got to keep moving forward. , I felt like essays were actually stronger for me than multiple choice, so I felt good about that. , and I was just ready to go. I was ready to write.

Jackson:           Could you do, did you have a sense that you could see the mindmap? So as you were writing, as you were getting into a topic and you would come up on something, did you have a visual sense of it?

Noelle:             I didn’t. I don’t think while I was taking the test, but I remember during my studies having moments of thinking that to specific mindmap and just kind of seeing how it branched off and that helping me. So I know I had done that process and it was there, but I didn’t so much visualize the mind maps during the test. It’s

Jackson:           so during the writing itself you’re making arguments and then the law is just coming to you, right? You’re just typing what the, what you think the law would have to be. Right. So when the test was all done and you’ve got this very long waiting period, what was that like waiting for results to come?

Noelle:             It’s very hard. It was so hard. It’s harder than the study process because you can’t really do anything more. There’s nothing more you can do.  I, at one point, I know you’re not going to like this Jackson, but I took a couple of weeks after studying and then I said let me take 20 minutes every morning, 30 minutes, 40 minutes and just do some PhotoReading and do a couple of questions and I think for two or three weeks and I think I only got two or three questions wrong during the span of that hold two or three weeks. So I was like, you know what, I think if I was performing at this level on the test, I was probably okay. So that was a confidence booster and then I think I had some relatives visit me and my schedule got thrown off and I was like, Jackson wouldn’t want me studying anyway I felt good about it.

Jackson:           Yeah. And I felt very confident that you were going to pass.  You’d worked hard. You put in the effort, your mind maps were absolutely spectacular. We use them as examples in some other webinars that we did. They were just that good and the growth that I had seen from when you. And I first met and we talked and you were so frustrated and so scared and just sort of bewildered by the whole process from that person to this very confident, talented, and just sort of secure in herself person going into the exam, which is why I wanted to about the test itself because it was such a marked change and I thought, wow, she’s really got it. Well, results day comes as always, Texas says they’re going to release on one date and then they release early. Don’t ask why, I don’t know. But in any event,  so my spidey sense was that results are coming out and lo and behold, they come out. Can you tell us what, how you found out about your results?

Noelle:             Well, normally I find out at the end of the day because I just ignored my emails and everything for the whole day. I think results are coming out. But this day I decided to check my mail while I was still in bed before I got to bed. I was like, okay, well what if it’s negative? Then I have to go through work all day. But what if it’s positive? So I just, I just checked my phone email and I saw I got one email from the Texas Board of Law Examiners and I thought, okay, this is different. In the past I’ve gotten two emails on result day. So I said, okay, maybe this is good. So I pulled out my computer and my computer took forever to boot up and it kind of like, you know, kind of saturated the moment because I was getting excited. He decided and then I’m like, oh gosh. So then I finally, everything pulled up. I was able to log into the website and it said, congratulations, you passed. And then I was excited and husbands excited or crying, you know, we’re very happy and I have to call my relatives before work and it was just very exciting and I’m glad I did it that way.

Jackson:           Yeah, isn’t that awesome? That’s a great, great experience. And  I mean, you know, and now you’re sworn in, you’re member of the Texas bar, which has just got to be like amazing feeling to have,

Noelle:             Absolutely. Absolutely. If I didn’t go through the struggle, I don’t know if I would appreciate it as much because I just went to law school and you know, I knew what I wanted to do, but you know, I always pretty much, you know, accomplish what I set out to accomplish. So, you know, I had done my undergraduate degree and then I did a master’s degree and I just kind of did those things and I’m like, okay, now I’m going to go to law school. And then I had this struggle and people in law school we’re talking about, oh yeah, you’re going to be an attorney. And I’m thinking I don’t, I really don’t care about titles. Like I just, I don’t. Whatever. Okay. Yeah, I’ll be an attorney. Fine. But now I really appreciate it because I went through so much to just pass this test that, I really feel proud of it now and I don’t think I would if I didn’t go through this struggle.

Jackson:           Yeah. And just to put a fine point on it, the pass rate for repeat bar takers in Texas in February was something like 15 to 20 percent. The overall rate for the exam was a well under 50 percent. So you beat all of the odds. I mean, at every level you beat the odds. , and that is an extraordinary accomplishment. I mean, in the time when pass rates are falling like a rock, you swam against the tide. Now I know that there are going to be a, and congratulations for that for sure. I know that they’re going to be a lot of people watching and listening who are going to be saying, well, I’m kind of in that same position. I mean you only get a few tries at the Texas Bar, so you had that pressure working as well. But regardless of what state you’re sitting in, if you failed the exam, it’s pretty frustrating. And that’s to put it mildly. What advice would you give somebody who’s in that position right now? They’ve taken the bar maybe more than once they fail and they’re really frustrated about what to do next. What would you say to them?

Noelle:             I would say make sure that you really want to do it because it’s not something you want to put yourself through. If you’re not sure it’s a lot of work, but if you decide that you really want to do it and you’re determined to do it, you believe in yourself. You have to. I mean, you know, I was very feeling discouraged, but I did know that ultimately I could do this. So you, you want to have some level of competence. Like if I get the right tools, I, I should be able to do this. There’s no reason why I can’t. If you feel that way, then you should find a resource that will provide you the type of instruction and maybe it’s a different type of instruction than what you’ve used in the past and really do it all out and trust the person who’s giving you those instructions. I would recommend celebration bar review because they do things completely differently. They’re not focusing on traditional memorization. They’re focusing on your intuition and using that to get you through this exam. And it’s so much information that I really do think that it’s the best way to get through the exam. It’s not as stressful. There is some stress, but there’s, it’s not as stressful as the other method, which is traditional memorization.

Jackson:           Yeah. I mean sometimes people think that what we teach is this, you know, hocus-pocus woo stuff. But you worked really hard. I mean, it was, it was not like you just kind of rolled over and said, oh yeah, we’re going to take the bar. I mean, you really put in the effort and you were working full time. , so there was a lot going on in your life, right?

Noelle:             Yeah. And some people really struggle with changing their way of doing things. I didn’t think that I did, but I guess there were some ways in which I wasn’t really taking on the suggestions because I, there was so much room for improvement the next time around that I did it with you. So you really do have to trust the people who are teaching you and realize there might be a different way to do it than what you are aware of. , you have to be open to that.

Jackson:           Yeah, and I think, I think you became increasingly open to it. You have, you embraced it, you did the Bootcamp, you did PhotoReading, you did the paraliminals, you took the mind mapping approach and you used all those tools and sometimes I think people assume that they just, well, I’m going to buy the PhotoReading course. And then they never opened the book. And it’s like, yeah, that doesn’t work. So you actually did all of that and you, you put yourself out there and I just want to congratulate you on the accomplishment because it really is extraordinary. I mean this, this is not a Gimme to pass the bar anymore. It’s not something we just assume everyone’s going to do. A lot of people don’t. And you did it in spite of some extraordinary challenges. And really I’m proud of you. Proud doesn’t begin to tell you what I feel.

Jackson:           , you, you are, as I said at the beginning, one of my very favorite students of all the years that I’ve been doing this. And I think one of the reasons you were one of my favorites is because you just laid it all out there. I mean, you just went through it and did it and you had some ops and you had some downs, but you kept plugging away. And to me that’s the mark of a really good member of the bar is that determination and drive to succeed. You’re going to be that way for your clients. I know that in special education law,  where you’ve got clients who desperately need your help,  and who the system doesn’t particularly care for in this particular world,  me, good advocates. So you’re going to be a great advocate and a, I’m very excited to see what happens there. I’m really excited that you’re sticking around to help our students in our facebook group and the group coaching calls and all. I’m, I’m,  I’ve already heard from people that have said that you’ve reached out and, so we appreciate that a great deal means a lot.

Noelle:             Yeah. And I definitely want to be an encouragement to others. So yeah, I love it.

Jackson:           That’s great. Well, any, any final comments that you’ve got for folks? I know this, this interview is going to really resonate with a lot of people. They’re going to be like, yeah, what she did, that’s what I want to do.

Noelle:             , Well, just a couple other things that they’re really important to me. I had so much support in terms of family and friends who’ve been diligently praying for me and encouraging me along the way and I’ve appreciated it so, so much. And I think I’m. One of the things that allowed me to be “teachable” is that I was a figure skater growing up and so I had the experience of being coached and having kind of like tough love. And so that helps me too.

Jackson:           Yeah. Are you saying that was hard on you?

Noelle:             You were not hard on me, but you know, you do give some criticism, you’re honest. And so I, I was more able to take the constructive criticism maybe than some other people might know. You were definitely coachable.

Jackson:           Okay, good. Yeah. So that’s, that’s good. Yeah. Anything else? I just couldn’t let that go.

Noelle:             I’m very appreciative to Jackson and to everyone at Celebration Bar Review. I’m appreciative to my heavenly father, the Lord who I believe directed me to you all because that’s what I needed and I think he knows all of my needs, so

Jackson:           And I think your faith was a big, big part of this. It made you’re coachable and teachable, but it also gave you the encouragement and the understanding and the wisdom to know that it would be not in your time necessarily, but there was a plan for your life,  and we’re starting to see that plan unfold. So that’s exciting. I have to say I’m going to miss our conversations. You and I had a lot of calls and you know, it’s kind of sad but I look forward to, to other opportunities and other chances.So,  congratulations. It’s just awesome to see what you’ve done and what you’re going to do and, I so much appreciate you coming on and sharing your story. I know it will be encouraging to so many people and it will give them the hope and the belief that they can do it. And so we’re very grateful for that.

Noelle:             Thank you for the opportunity to share and thank you for helping me with this hurdle in my life.

Jackson:           It’s been our pleasure. We’re glad to give you your life back. So with that, folks we’re going to sign off for now and we’ll see you again on another episode.


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