Why Us
It Starts With our Founder...
Jackson started his Bar Exam coaching after graduation from Georgetown University Law Center. Successfully passing the bar on his first try, he led a national division of SMH Bar Review and later began Celebration Bar Review®. Today, Jackson is known as the “Bar Whisperer” and one of the most knowledgable bar mentors in America. His YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook videos have nearly 2 million views. He remains familiar with every aspect of the bar exam and guides our staff and students on a daily basis.
As the founder of Celebration Bar Review®, Jackson has personally guided thousands of bar takers to success. His focus on repeat bar takers and non-traditional students has established his reputation as the “bar exam whisperer.” Jackson continues to mentor students and create content for all of our courses.
Jackson brought innovations to bar study that remain unique in bar prep. The use of tools like PhotoReading, Paraliminals, Selective Intuition, and audio meditation remains the gold standard for bar takers today. Now, he’s on the leading edge of bringing AI into bar prep to help our students gain an extra edge on their test!

...And continues with our Bar Review Innovations
Why You’ll LOVE This Course…

We care about you and your success… and nothing else!
Recent bar exam pass rates nationally show a less than 50% overall success rate for all applicants. Repeat takers are passing at even lower numbers.
We work primarily with repeat bar takers to overcome chronically low performance and help students pass. We’ve done that for nearly 30 years with a single-minded focus on our students and their needs.

Our approach is unlike anything you’ve tried before…and that’s good!
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly…and expecting different results. To achieve better results for our students, we constantly innovate with products like PhotoReading For The Bar Exam™, BarMaps®, MBE Video Nutshells™, and more.
Because we innovate, our students see improvements of 10, 20, 30 points, and more on their bar exams. (Scroll down this page to watch them tell their own stories of success).

We know our client…and it’s not the bar exam establishment!
We refuse to tell the same old lies to students that others are happy to parrot. Memorize, recite, cram, issue spot… those techniques haven’t worked for years and don’t work on today’s bar exam… and that’s why we don’t teach them.
We know from over 30 years and thousands of students what does and does not work on nearly every bar exam in the country and we gladly share that knowledge with our students.
The result is that applicants who have previously failed their exams (in some cases, repeatedly) are now able to pass!

We provide the facts you need…and ignore the noise!
Any bar review provider who claims a specific pass rate for an exam (or can even explain how they reach such a number) is being untruthful. The fact is that no reputable company can publish any pass rate. There are too many variables, too many unknowns, and far too little data.
Rather than make claims, we let our students speak for themselves (scroll down the page for a sampling). Over the past few years, we’ve recorded over 100 video interviews with our passing students and published comments from many more.
Here are Some of our Most Popular Student Interviews
Over the past few years, we’ve recorded more than 100 video interviews with successful Celebration Bar Review® Students. Here are a few of our favorites. Click on the pictures below to watch their interviews and share their “Celebration!”
Click the button below to Order Your Bar Review Course Now

More Success Stories
How This California Applicant Passed The Bar With Celebration Bar Review®
Behind The Scenes Of How This Florida Bar Taker Passed with help from Celebration Bar Review®
How This Georgia Bar Taker Increased their score To Pass With Celebration Bar Review®
How This Applicant Passed The UBE With Celebration Bar Review®
About Celebration Bar Review®
We began business in 1994 as a successor to The Study Group and SMH Bar Review (the 2nd largest bar review at the time). Over the past 30 years, we’ve assisted more than 40,000 students in nearly every state in the US.
We have over 55 bar review books currently published and more than 90,000 hours of lecture watch time in our video library.
Our course uses over 2000 licensed questions from the NCBE (plus hundreds of actual bar essays and performance tests) and is constantly updated by our editorial staff of licensed attorneys … all of whom are former Celebration Bar Review® students as well.
Our weekly Podcast has over 150,000 downloads, we have nearly 2 Million YouTube views, and thousands of people have attended our Free Bar Exam Webinars.
In short, we’re experts at this…