If you failed the MBE, you’re probably wondering what went wrong and what you have to do

If you failed the MBE, you’re probably wondering what went wrong and what you have to do to improve your score. While MBE scores rose slightly in July 2019, repeat bar takers are finding little or no upward movement in their results.

This seeming paradox is frustrating and confusing to thousands of people across the country who failed their bar exams in 2019. But there’s hope!

In this video, Celebration Bar Review Founder, Jackson Mumey explains the 4 reasons you failed the MBE and what to do now to reach a passing score.

He demonstrates that it’s possible to raise your MBE score by making a few simple, fundamental changes in the way you prepare and take the exam. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of what you must do differently if you failed the MBE in the past.

For more information about Celebration Bar Review and how you can Make the NEXT Bar Exam Your LAST Bar Exam® visit our website here.

To speak with Jackson about your exam and your preparation, use this link to schedule a FREE 20 minute conference.


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