With the rise in popularity and stature of the Celebration Bar Review course over the past 20 years, we have regularly been contacted by outside vendors and third party resources to offer their products and services to our students.
These Resources for Bar Exam Students are all designed to work with our course materials and form the initial basis for our Successful Test Application Resources (“STAR”) program that we offer today. Now, we’re pleased to partner with these providers to offer our students more choices and assistance with their bar study. Read on for more details…please note that in some cases, we have an affiliate relationship with the vendor.
Holosync Audio Meditation
Our friends at Centerpointe Research Institute have been working with us for many years now to provide high quality audio meditations through their Holosync program. This is a fundamental part of our STAR program, but we also wanted to make it available to all our students. You can order the “Awakening Prologue” that we use in the bar review here.
Learning Strategies: PhotoReading and Paraliminals
The other major component to our STAR program are the unique programs of our friends at Learning Strategies. The primary tools are Photo Reading and the Paraliminals of the Ultimate You and Genius Code. These tools, developed by Dr Paul Scheele are time-tested and used with great success by our bar review students for many years now. We strongly encourage you to check out these specific resources to help your study skills.
Performance Coaching through Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Many of you know our interest and work with NLP. In fact, much of our bar review course is based on the principles of this research. For several years now, Jackson has been working with Elena DuCharme, a California attorney who specializes in Performance Coaching through NLP. She’s a certified NLP practitioner and one of the most down-to-earth coaches we have had the pleasure to meet. Elena provides her services to all our STAR students as part of that program and has agreed to allow us to refer bar exam students to her for a separate fee from our course. For those who are facing extreme test anxiety or other emotional blocks to study, it is money well spent to have her guidance alongside ours. For more information or to contact Elena, visit her website: BarExamBreakthrough.com
Writing Assistance for Foreign Trained Attorneys
One of the biggest concerns for foreign trained attorneys (and non-English as a first language speakers) is the ability to write bar essays under timed conditions. For many years, our course has had great success with FTAs, building in large part on the work of Jackson’s personal writing and teaching mentor from Georgetown, Professor Jill Ramsfield. Her book “Culture to Culture: A Guide to US Legal Writing” is a must for every foreign attorney taking the exam.You can find it on Amazon using this link. Now, Professor Ramsfield has agreed to take on individual bar exam students to assist them with US writing skills. For those who have the privilege of working with her, it will be life-changing. To contact Professor Ramsfield about her services and fees, or to learn more about her programs, visit her website http://jjramsfield.com
Stress Management through Self-Hypnosis
Click here to view more details
Up from Jawbone

This is a terrific tool to help you measure and track your activity, sleep, eating and mood. It is easy to use, simple to wear and incredibly effective. If you’re dealing with test anxiety and stress, this is one item you absolutely should consider.
Great Resources from Trusted Providers
Jackson and Sara